There are no course fees due at time of registration for any of our courses. It is our intent that the teachings of mindfulness remain available to all who may benefit, regardless of their ability to pay.
Our courses are 100% funded by the students that have come before them.
The practice of Mindfulness includes compassion and generosity towards others. While completing our courses, students and clinics are invited to contribute what they can towards keeping our courses going. They give to the extent that they are able and if they feel they have benefited, by 'paying-it-forward' for the students who come after them. In this way participants are able to actively contribute to the benefit of others by practicing open generosity. Our students give knowing that they are making a difference for those that come after them.
A note on RACE approved courses: select Mindful Vet Med courses have recently become RACE APPROVED. In order to cover accreditation and reporting costs, there is a minimal fee to receive CE credit for our courses.